How Can I Help My Attorney Get The Best Possible Outcome In My Case?
Documenting everything is essential, and you should keep good records. However, it’s not necessary to advise your attorney daily with everything transpiring in your life. You can follow up with your medical providers, such as your physician and therapists, and then inform your attorney of the outcomes of your regular appointments. Client and attorney appointments may occur monthly or quarterly, depending on the case.
As a personal injury attorney, I like to sit with my clients and talk to them about their daily schedules and routines. Talking to my clients helps me pick up on information that they would forget to send in an email or information that would be too long to leave in a voicemail. During that time, they can also inform me of their primary care physician meetings, therapy sessions, or any missed worked days, and any other activities which were impacted by the injuries. Part of the law in New Hampshire asks for people to mitigate their damages. You should show that you’re going through medical treatments and that you’re following up with your provider and attempting to get back to your regular routine.
As an attorney, I ask clients to keep a calendar detailing their daily activities, doctor’s appointments, and sessions, any relevant information that can help their case. Their calendars act as a journal, and it makes it hard for the defense to argue against my client while at the hearing. The defense attorney is going to have a difficult time questioning my client as opposed to someone who is unprepared and can’t remember much from the past few years.
For more information on Best Outcome In A Personal injury Case, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (603) 880-1300 today.

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(603) 880-1300