Firm Overview
Bartis Law Firm is a general practice firm located in Nashua, NH with a lawyers focused on personal injury and criminal law. If your case is going to court or has the potential of going to court then you should contact Bartis Law Offices.
Attorney Robert Bartis regularly attends court and conducts hearings in a variety of practice areas. Frequently, your legal question or issue may cross over into multiple areas of your life. It is rare that a legal problem will not have an impact on your marriage, your relationship, your job and/or your family.
Save Us in Your Contacts!
You should seek the advice and counsel of an attorney who is a general practitioner and can aid and assist you in all of those areas. While you may not need our services now, please take the time to enter our contact information into your phone at this time. Should the need arise, you can find us immediately. Everyone has an emergency contact for health reasons. Be sure you have your emergency contact for legal questions.
Should I Hire An Attorney? Going It Alone Can Often Times Cost You More Money!
You should be consulting a lawyer that is trained in multiple disciplines and can advise you how your actions in one area of the court system could impact another. Some law firms will tout that they specialize in a certain area and can provide you the best service due to their extensive years of experience in that area. Unfortunately, that view does not necessarily address the entire problem. You would certainly not accept treatment from your physician without first learning of any side effects or collateral consequences to the specific issue that you are treating. You should expect the same from your lawyer.
This general practice lawyer is analogous to your primary-care physician. Your lawyer can certainly advise you on a number of issues that cut across every aspect of your life and, like your primary-care physician, can advise you when you need a specialist and when something can be handled globally within the office. Thus, a multi-disciplined attorney is needed over a narrowly-focused lawyer. Attorneys at Bartis Law Offices are general practitioners.
Honesty, Integrity And Trust
It is often said that people want results and things get done when you know the right people. When seeking an attorney and you want to make sure you have a comfortable and trusting relationship. Attorney Bartis has lived his entire life in New Hampshire, attended New Hampshire schools and has practiced entirely in New Hampshire. He can certainly utilize his experience and contacts to advise you accordingly. Just as a primary-care physician can refer you to the appropriate specialist, hospital, facility or even to obtain a second opinion, Attorney Bartis can address your legal concerns and when necessary, can help you locate accountants, financial planners, real estate appraisers, real estate agents, insurance agents or specialized attorneys.

Contact For A Personalized Case Evaluation
(603) 880-1300